Sunday 2 August 2009

Sunday 2nd August 2009

Well here we are again, very remiss of me not to add anything for weeks but I have been a bit side tracked never mind i have been going up every week doing a bit of weeding but i shall add some more photo's later on.

The tomaotes are getting nice and ripe i have had 2 cucumbers these are in the greenhouse. iceberg lettuce i sowed about 30 got about 20 the slugs and the other resident inhabitants had the rest.
Runner Berlotti and French beans are growing and tasting nice
Beetroot i cook in the slow cooker over night cooks them perfectly
radishes got out of had and bolted
Potatoes- I have had a few pounds of them (rumour has Blight is going around the site again)
Raspberries - me and the pigeons had a few each
Strawberries - they are just turning red
Blueberries- Pigeon fodder
Leeks - will be there for a while yet
Sweetcorn - i saw some tassels on them today
Cabbage & Brussel Sprouts - growing nicely
Courgettes pumpkins butternut squash i am leaving to run a bit wild
all the empty beds i have covered with manure they will stay that way for a few months i want to put weed killer down all the paths .... only when no food is around but i must do it before the RAINY SEASON starts
soon i will look at onions broad beans for over wintering

Monday 8 June 2009

Friday 5th June......Went to the nursery again bought a dozen French Beans and a dozen Runner Beans mine have been munched on by the rabbits I'm not sure if they will pick up so I bought some more just in case. I also bought 4 Strawberry plants to add to the couple I already have oh yes and 2 x Roma Tomatoes and 1 x yellowbell (i think that is the name). Put them in the greenhouse.

Saturday 6th June......I went to Camberley to dig up some lavender plants I got 2 they are huge I weeded in front of the fruit frame and planted them hope they are ok it must have been a couple of hours between digging them out to digging them in. I planted the French and the runners they are going to grow up a wigwam, the others are on a straight these went in the same bed as the leeks.

Sunday 7th June......Rain well I think that was an understatement. I decided to go to the allotment but only for a short time as it will be a bit soggy. I tided the greenhouse up removed seedlings that never made it removed the shelves so the cucumber and tomato plants will grow up. Then I planted the tomatoes into a box so I now have a few seedlings ie: Sweet Pepper, Basil, (munched on by slugs) and a couple of others. so now that is tidy.
In the beds went the 4 Strawberry plants, 2 Butternut Squash, 2 Green courgettes and Hopefully 2 Yellow Courgettes (the seeds got mixed up so its wait and see). when I was planting the Squashes I noticed the soil under the surface was still dry after all that rain unbelievable.

Sunday 31 May 2009

Some photo's taken this morning 31.05.09

This weekend

Saturday...I had an almighty burst of energy today firstly I had a chat as you do then I set to some work my fruit frame was not up to scratch so I removed the tarpaulin's which had been there since last year. I was amazed by the lack of weed but I am NOT complaining. so I did have some docks in residence I placed a black bag over them then cut them off very gently so as not to disturb the seeds. found some blocks of wood dug over the area put the wood in place now it is bordered. Put up some trellis and planted Sweet Peas. Someone gave me 4 pepper's I planted the best 2 out the other 2 stayed in the green house.

Sunday...I was at the allotment at 6:30 this morning (sad I know) but I did wash my car after I watered. That done I went on to plant into the fruit frame 12 January King Cabbages, 12 Brussels Sprouts (thank God I have a freezer) and 16 Sweetcorn. gave that lot a water in. In one of my other raised beds I planted 12 Leeks. Checked on the Pepper's 1 has been munched the other is fine. Discussed with my brother (he has the plot next to mine) about the darling baby rabbits on site he has promised to put up the fence we have.

Photo's...I have been taking photo's but don't have a USB lead for my phone as soon as I get one I will add them to this site, this I hope is a temporary problem.

Jerusalem Artichokes about 3 foot tall
Potatoes are growing no problems so far (we have had blight on this site for about 3/4 years )
Pumkins and Marrow ok
Broad Beans & Peas ok
Radishes & Beetroot ok
Berlotta Runner French Beans ok (some have been nibbled)
Iceberg Lettuces I planted about 30 growing ok
Grapes ok
Cucumbers Tomatoes and anything else in the greenhouse are coming along nicely

More next week.....

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Sunday.... I planted out about 30 Iceberg Lettuces. I did some weeding that is starting to look good especially the paths. moved all the soil where the last raised bed is going to be.

Monday.... I only stopped from a couple of hours but removed the last of the soil made up the bed filled it with newspaper and shredded paper its too late to put on manure so i filled in enough soil to weigh the paper down until next week then I can finish the bed.

Update...In the greenhouse the cucumbers and tomatoes are coming along nicely. The butternut squash seedlings are sprouting.
Outside I have growing... Runner beans, french beans, berlotta beans, and broad beans, peas, beetroot, radishes, pumpkins, marrow, Jerusalem artichokes, apples, blueberries, strawberries, tayberries, cranberries, raspberries last but not least potato's

Tuesday 19 May 2009

May 2009

Saturday.... I went to Dunkirk Nurseries in Egham where I bought the following:-
4 tomato plants (2 varieties )
1 marrow plant
2 female cucumbers
12 sweet peas
Sunday.... Of course i did the usual weeding, I planted my cucumbers , next the tomato plants were put into the grow bags these will be grown in the greenhouse.
Christine gave me 2 pumpkins which i have now planted out along with the marrow.
The sweet peas i have put into a pot until their new home is ready cant do this until the shed has been lowered then the trellis has to be put up then the sweet peas are to go in.
My sweetcorn is not growing thats 1½ packets and no plants lets hope this last lot take if not its back to Dunkirk Nurseries
I have been clearing up the last of the soil so i can make the last raised bed its coming along slowly

Sunday 10 May 2009

Spent a few hours up the plot today did some watering, weeding, digging, and planted beetroot & radishes.

Chatted had a cup of tea