Tuesday 26 May 2009

Sunday.... I planted out about 30 Iceberg Lettuces. I did some weeding that is starting to look good especially the paths. moved all the soil where the last raised bed is going to be.

Monday.... I only stopped from a couple of hours but removed the last of the soil made up the bed filled it with newspaper and shredded paper its too late to put on manure so i filled in enough soil to weigh the paper down until next week then I can finish the bed.

Update...In the greenhouse the cucumbers and tomatoes are coming along nicely. The butternut squash seedlings are sprouting.
Outside I have growing... Runner beans, french beans, berlotta beans, and broad beans, peas, beetroot, radishes, pumpkins, marrow, Jerusalem artichokes, apples, blueberries, strawberries, tayberries, cranberries, raspberries last but not least potato's

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