Sunday 31 May 2009

This weekend

Saturday...I had an almighty burst of energy today firstly I had a chat as you do then I set to some work my fruit frame was not up to scratch so I removed the tarpaulin's which had been there since last year. I was amazed by the lack of weed but I am NOT complaining. so I did have some docks in residence I placed a black bag over them then cut them off very gently so as not to disturb the seeds. found some blocks of wood dug over the area put the wood in place now it is bordered. Put up some trellis and planted Sweet Peas. Someone gave me 4 pepper's I planted the best 2 out the other 2 stayed in the green house.

Sunday...I was at the allotment at 6:30 this morning (sad I know) but I did wash my car after I watered. That done I went on to plant into the fruit frame 12 January King Cabbages, 12 Brussels Sprouts (thank God I have a freezer) and 16 Sweetcorn. gave that lot a water in. In one of my other raised beds I planted 12 Leeks. Checked on the Pepper's 1 has been munched the other is fine. Discussed with my brother (he has the plot next to mine) about the darling baby rabbits on site he has promised to put up the fence we have.

Photo's...I have been taking photo's but don't have a USB lead for my phone as soon as I get one I will add them to this site, this I hope is a temporary problem.

Jerusalem Artichokes about 3 foot tall
Potatoes are growing no problems so far (we have had blight on this site for about 3/4 years )
Pumkins and Marrow ok
Broad Beans & Peas ok
Radishes & Beetroot ok
Berlotta Runner French Beans ok (some have been nibbled)
Iceberg Lettuces I planted about 30 growing ok
Grapes ok
Cucumbers Tomatoes and anything else in the greenhouse are coming along nicely

More next week.....

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