Tuesday 19 May 2009

May 2009

Saturday.... I went to Dunkirk Nurseries in Egham where I bought the following:-
4 tomato plants (2 varieties )
1 marrow plant
2 female cucumbers
12 sweet peas
Sunday.... Of course i did the usual weeding, I planted my cucumbers , next the tomato plants were put into the grow bags these will be grown in the greenhouse.
Christine gave me 2 pumpkins which i have now planted out along with the marrow.
The sweet peas i have put into a pot until their new home is ready cant do this until the shed has been lowered then the trellis has to be put up then the sweet peas are to go in.
My sweetcorn is not growing thats 1½ packets and no plants lets hope this last lot take if not its back to Dunkirk Nurseries
I have been clearing up the last of the soil so i can make the last raised bed its coming along slowly

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